Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cave Art Lesson

The Amazing Cave Art of Lascaux, France.

Grade Level:
High School Art ( 9-12 )

Lesson Objective:
Learners will demonstrate knowledge of/understanding/ability to : recognize and speak about the ancient art at Lascaux including methods used, purposes, history of the people.  Current issues and theories surrounding the Lascaux site in general.  Looking up information on the internet.  Learners will have appreciation of the processes of making cave art through an art project using powdered pigments and charcoal on Gesso treated board.

Subject Matter Content Standard:
Component Strand: 1.0 Artistic Perception.  Students perceive and respond to works of art, objects in nature, events, and the environment.  They also use the vocabulary of the visual arts to express their observations.

Website Addresses Used as Resources:

1. http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/lascaux.index.php
2. http://archaeology.about.com/od/cavepaintings/a/lascauxcave,htm

Student Research Questions:

1. Who Made Cave Art?
2. From What Period in History?
3. For What Reason?
4. What are the most current theories or controversies surrounding the
people and art of the Lascaux Caves?
5. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Essential Question:

1. What was the climate like in Ancient France?

Subsidiary Questions:

1. How was the climate different than now?
2. Where did the people of the caves come from and where did they go?
3. What else was happening in Europe during that era?


Students will bring to class two articles regarding the Lascaux Caves, and a written paragraph on their internet findings. Art terminology must be used. Grading will be on participation and timely project turn-in.

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